Demoted South of The Lan Pass

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Demoted South of The Lan Pass
Demoted South of The Lan Pass 
(For my nephew in Hunan) 

    Han Yu 768-824

Just one memorial to the Emperor
    such a heavy penalty,
Evening demotion to Chaozhou
    eight thousand miles away.
I only wished his majesty
    to abolish evil practices,
Now just see 
    where I must spend my last years!
Clouds hang low
    mountains tremble
        where is my home now?
Snow embraces the Languan
    my horse refused to go on.
I think from afar
    you know how I feel,
Resting my sack of bones
    by this miasmic riverside.
Zài Zuǒ Zhì Lánguān
Hán Yù 768-824

Yī fēng cháo zòu jiǔchóngtiān,
Xī biǎn Cháozhōu lù bāqiān.
Yù wèi Shèngmíng chúbì shì,
Kěn jiāng shuāixiǔ xī cánnián!
Yún héng zòu lǐng jiā hézài?
Xuě yōng Lánguān mǎ bù qiān.
Zhī rǔ yuǎnlái yīng yǒuyì,
Hǎo shōu wú gǔ zhàng jiāngbiān.
Translator: Dongbo 東波

Han Yu was Confucian, who disliked Buddhism. But he was not doctrinare. There was always thought behind his opinions. And unlike doctrinare Confucians, he had a sharp sense of humor. In this case it is 'black humor'. His memorial to the emperor urged him not to allow the Buddha's finger bone to be worshiped and paraded through the streets of Changan. In this poems he slyly refers to his memorial by refering to himself as a sack of bones!

Please see same poem translated by Red Pine!

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