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Tokyo, Japan's capital, has become super modern. Visiting Tokyo's main centers from Shanghai is a cultural shock. The streets, sidewalks and public space are pristine clean to the point of inhumanity! I feel like scattering a little trash around to make it seemed lived in.

These days any self respecting hotel in Tokyo has toilet seats that take all the pain and nuisance out of performing one's bodily functions. Heated toilet seats and bi-directional bidet...soon I expect they will add a third to serve as a drinking fountain.

In old Tokyo, before Japan became super rich, public toilets didn't have toilet paper because Japanese were so poor that they stole the toilet paper rolls...

Tokyo collects imposing, self conscious architecture, like some westerners collect useless netsuke. Like this see through shoe and rag shop near Omotesando designed by somebody-or other, very prestigious architect from Europe. These structures are all stuffed with expensive designer rags and cosmetics. Built not for the people, but rather for THE RICH PEOPLE.

There is a price to pay for this modernity. Enjoy your $8 cup of coffee.

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