Sri Jambukeshwara Temple

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This temple is dedicated to Siva and Parvati and honors water, one of the five elements associated with Siva. There are four other temples honoring fire, earth, space and (I think) wood. It is a quiet temple and one can stroll around feeling almost as if one belongs.

"He stood outside and surveyed the entrance. 'You see, this entrance must have been a later improvisation; the cave itself, I know, must have been about first century A.D. The entrance and the door are of a later date. You see, that kind of tall entrance and the carved doorway became current fashion in the seventh or eighth centuries, when the South Indian rulers became fond of...' He went on talking. Dead and decaying things seemed to unloosen his tongue and fire his imagination, rather than things that lived and moved and swung thier limbs. I had little to do as a guide; he knew so much more of everything!

When he passed in he completely forgot about the world outside and its inhabitants. The roof was low, but every inch of wall space was covered with painted figures. He flashed a torch on the walls. He took out his pocket mirror and placed it outside to catch the sunlight and throw a beam on the paintings. Bats were whirring about; the floor was broked and full of holes. But he minded nothing. He became busy measuring, writing down, photographing, all the time keeping up a chatter, not bothered in the least whether I listened or not." From The Guide by R. K. Narayan

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