Passing Huangzhou

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The Changjiang from the West Hill, across the river from Huangzhou

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Passing Huangzhou
        Zhang Wentao 1764-1814

Returning in a lone boat,
Spring clothes soaked with cold
        night waters gloomy.
Like a west flying crane
        over the Great River,
Under a bright moon
        in a dream
                I pass Huangzhou.
Guò Huángzhōu
Zhāng Wèntáo 1764-1814
Qīng líng yī yè dú guī zhōu,
Hán jìn chūn yī yè shuǐ yōu.
Wǒ sì Héngjiāng xī qù hè,
Yuè míng rú mèng guò Huángzhōu.
Translator: Dongbo 東波

Zhang Wenzhou's home town was in Sichuan. He wrote this poem as he was returning up river on the Changjiang to his home in Sichuan. In a way river travel was pleasant, but on a cold damp spring morning, he must have been dreaming of a warm fire at home.

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