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The Great Stupa at Amaravati. Andra Pradesh, was the largest Buddhist stupa in India, built in south-eastern India between the second century B.C. and the third century A.D. There is evidence that the Amaravati Stupa was still used by worshippers up until certainly A.D. 1344. Hinduism was the main religion in the country at this time, but there were still practising Buddhists in India. Soon after this period, the Amaravati Stupa fell into disrepair.

By the end of the 1700s all that could be seen of the structure was a mound of rubble and some pieces of sculpture on the ground. In 1797, a British colonel named Colin Mackenzie heard of Amaravati and visited the site. Today pieces of the stupa can be seen in the Chennai, Calcuta and British museums. This photo is of a sculpture in the Chennai Museum.

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Chennai 金奈
Chennai Museum 金奈博物館
India 印度