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Uraminotaki became famous when 芭蕪 Basho trekked to it in 1689,and wrote a haiku in its honor in his おくのほそ道 Oku No Hoso Michi, Narrow Road to the North.

May 16, 2007
Crystal clear skies this morning after yesterday's storm. 女峰山 Onnaminusan glissens with its dusting of snow. Board a local bus for a 10 minute ride to the trailhead for Urami-no-taki, the waterfall that Basho visited in spring of 1689. A pleasant half hour gentle climb up a paved road with a few new houses with their futons hung out in the bright sun and come to path leading into a river gorge. The sound of water mixed with bird song greets me. And there it is, just as Basho saw it 318 years ago. It is called Urami-no-taki, because it would be possible to walk behind it and look out. But today it would be a perilous venture to try it for the narrow trail leading behind it is almost non existant. Perhaps in Basho's time it was passable.

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Kurokamiyama 黑髮山
Onnaminusan 女峰山
Japan 日本